Upon creating your new account below, you will be granted access to our online Ambassador Team Portal, complete with wholesale discounts, content-uploading tools, and your own follower’s coupon code that will automatically earn you store credit commissions to redeem for new products. We will also be sending you a welcome package for joining our team. Moving forward, we love receiving photos & videos that we can share on our end.
To maintain the integrity of our brand, as well as our existing ambassadors and consumers alike, after creating your new account your discount and commission level will be reviewed by our Ambassador Support Team. This may change over time depending on your level of participation in the program, including the content you produce with our products and how it is shared. We strive to be a part of your future and look forward to offering the utmost in service and support.
*If your email is already registered in our system from a previous order, please use a secondary email address for this new account with your special discounted pricing. Many email providers also allow you to add a +tag after your name before the @ symbol… For example, if your email is john@doe.com you can also use john+ambassador@doe.com as a unique new email address in our system, however, it will still route to your exact same inbox as john@doe.com.